
Have an idea for an app?

I'm ready to listen to your next app idea. The first question is always about practicality and how it would work in reality. I like a challenge so more complex functionality is not an issue!

I am available for app development on most modern frameworks (iOS, Android etc). It is important to decide which devices you want your app developed for.

I am also able to assist with getting your app on the iOS store - which is a mindfield in itself!

App Development

I'm pleased to be able to offer Mobile Application Development to agencies my clients and have 5 years active experience in commercial app development. With experience in both native and cordova development, we can certainly help you with almost any project at an extremely affordable rate. Our experience means we can get your app on its respective app store / location quickly and with the minimum waiting periods (i.e. Apple Store).

We are happy to work on native Xcode projects as well as using Phonegap / Cordova or Iconic.

My Approach to Apps

So you have an idea or a commission for a mobile or tablet application? I can certainly help. First I will need to thrash out the concept of your app and see if it is functionally viable on your chosen platforms.

Once I have received your commission I will start development immediately. Normally you are able to see the ‘front end’ of your app being built online. The application will be tested using TestFlight. If your application is a simple HTML / CSS project eligible to run through PhoneGap you will be able to view a ‘web application’ version of the app much sooner in the process. With the Codeburo Cloud CRM you will be able track the progress of your project and see screenshots of active development.

Need a cheaper option?

Many people have good ideas for apps but don't necessarily have the budget for a natively-developed application. As such, there is a cheaper option which is no-less successful: PhoneGap.

In simple terms: PhoneGap allows a normal 'web site' or 'web application' to be converted into an app (for Apple, Google and Android systems). This costs significantly less to develop and is open to my lower-budget clients.

So... if you have an app and are struggling with a budget - let's discuss this as an option.


Have an idea for an app that needs developing? Or do you have an app that needs an update? We offer both native and Phonegap app development services - all in-house with our experienced team.


Working with an array of frameworks we're sure we can help you with your website build. Experts in both front end back-end code we're yet to be stumped by a project we cannot build!


We build streamline systems and applications for companies that are fit for purpose and made with first class user interface design and usability in mind. All projects considered for most devices.